We had a magnificent litter of 12 AKC Great Dane puppies born Jan. 3rd 2025. There are 7 males and 5 females from our AKC Blue 140 lbs female Rayne and our AKC Harlequin 160 lbs male Maverick. Rayne is a fantastic mom to her babies and makes things seem seamless. Our puppies are started on potty and crate training, they learn to use stairs and a doggy door, we groom them regularly and desensitize them to regular household noise (vacuum, banging, ice maker, kids, tv), vibrations etc. They are introduced to livestock, cats, parrots and other dogs. They are vet checked, will have 2 parvo vaccines, and dewormed before going home. They are Limited AKC registerable (pet), their microchip lifetime registration fee ($20.00) through AKC reunite, there is a $500 non-refundable deposit to hold the puppy of your choice until 8 weeks. We would love to have you at our farm and to show off our babies but if you're not able to come pick up your baby we do offer shipping options. Both parents are OFA heart and hips and are genetic health tested and results can be seen under the Great Danes tab.

Babies in the litter that have found their families



Love Storm

Duke $1200 limited AKC $20 microchip fee

Nova $1200 limited AKC $20 Microchip fee 

Waylon $2000 limited AKC Microchip fee covered

Pluto $2000 limited AKC Microchip fee covered

Jack $2000 limited AKC Microchip fee covered

Luna $1500 limited AKC $20 Microchip fee

Harper $1800 limited AKC Microchip fee covered

Quinn $1800 limited AKC Microchip fee covered